You may have seen that Windows 11 is already on the rise. This means that Windows 10 will soon end, so when is Windows 10 Support End Date? We all have until October 14, 2025 is the day. So, what does this mean for those stubborn people that don’t want to change?
I have customers that will not give up their Windows 7, and that support ran out in January of 2020. I can perfectly understand not wanting to change. You have everything laid out and working just the way you want it. Those stupid upgrades always wipe out custom configurations and you have to go back and start all over again it seems. But do you really?
The Main Reason You Have To Upgrade Windows
I could write a long history lesson about the technical side of things. Get into the better securities and faster caching and such. But you really need to understand why you have to upgrade to the newer OS when they end the support of the previous OS.
Your internet browser is the main reason you have to upgrade. It doesn’t matter which browser you use, Fire Fox, Chrome, Edge or any of them. What is means when Windows 10 Support End Date arrives, isn’t really support like you think. If you have ever tried to contact Microsoft for support, you know how difficult that can be.
The end of support means that the developers will no longer be writing code for security into Windows 10. There will be no more Windows Updates to download and install. So, come October 14, 2025, wherever your update and security is on your OS, is where it will be to the end of time. Why you have to update to the next Windows is to continue those securities. All internet browsers require your OS to be able to support their programming and securities.
How The Upgrade Affects Your Internet Experience
Most websites require your browsers on your computer to have a certain level of security to it. If you let your Operating System retire, it will no longer be able to sun the newer browsers. Meaning, websites like Banking, Medical and Credit Card sites will not let your computer talk to their sites.
Company websites will consider your computer as a risk and not let your version of your browser communicate with them. If your Windows 10 Support End Date has passed, your browser updates will also end shortly after.
To avoid not being able to do bank transactions or pay bills online, you will want to upgrade your Windows 10 by 2025. I have a few customers that love and hold on to their Windows 7 or 8.1 machines, running into these issues online.
Does Windows 10 Support End Date Mean I Can No Longer Use It?
You will still be able to use Windows 10 after the end date. However, you will no longer get updates, any new features and as time goes by, your computer will become at risk. As I mentioned, I have customers that are still running Windows 7 and 8. It really depends on what you use your computer for.
If you start having issues connecting to your frequent websites, then you are probably looking at upgrading. For running desktop apps like MS Office, Photoshop or other software of these types, you can stay on 10. You just need to be aware, that website connections and software upgrades may not work under Windows 10.
Office 2022 and 365 will run under Windows 10. But when it is time to upgrade these type software, you may have to go to Windows 11.
In conclusion, if you like your Windows 10 and do not want to change, you have several years. So, do not worry that you have to go to Windows 11 just yet. If you like your 10, then stay with it unless you have the aforementioned issues. Learn more about Windows Lifecycle from Windows 10 Release Information.
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